Another look at Victoria Tower Gardens

In the heart of Westminster, Victoria Tower Gardens, a precious London park, seen from Lambeth Bridge.

In 2022 Mrs Justice Thornton ruled that the London County Council (Improvements)Act 1900, protected Victoria Tower Gardens as a public garden in perpetuity. The Government is now overturning the Act to construct an oversized, much aesthetically criticised Holocaust Memorial, which will damage the park and set a dangerous precedent.

To learn more about this special London park and its history, here is my article of September 2021. Victoria Tower Gardens

See the latest news on this controversy here: Save Victoria Tower Gardens.

A precious central London park by the Thames, enjoyed by all.

Since my 2021 article, apart from its normal recreational use, Victoria Tower Gardens has been used as a queueing place for those who paid homage to our late Queen, and for a marquee during Charles III’s coronation. Reading the above piece you can see what an important part Victoria Tower Gardens has played in both our local and national life. It would be a serious loss to our Thames-side heritage were it to be developed.

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